During the project partner institutions will carry out and implement the following activities:
- A1- "Five countries - 5 senses" - the 3-min presentation summarizing the previous meeting in the partner school, showing the life, habits and interests of each partner country, for example. Poland - touch
Presentations will be shown to all students and teachers during the following meeting and then posted on the project website and Facebook
Target group - all students and employees of partner schools
- A2 - "Understand yourself" - workshops with a psychologist during the first year of the project, showing a variety of humain being mechanisms, behavior and personality.
Each partner school will carry out four meetings.
Materials and presentations developed and prepared during the workshop will be posted on the project website
Target group - students and employees of partner schools
- A3 - "Different but the same" - Calendar of meetings prepared individually by each partner school including meetings with representatives of different religions, ethnic minorities, immigrants, refugees, etc.
Photoreports of these meetings will be posted on the project website and on display in the school during "The diversity Fair"
Target group - students and school staff
- A4 - "The diversity fair" - a one-day event in each of the partner schools at the end of the first year of the project for high school students and the local community; inviting representatives of various religions, national minorities and ethnic groups; presentation of various interests, hobbies, controversial styles of codedress, listening to music
This activity photoreport will be presented by each school at the last meeting, summarizing the first year of the project and then posted on the project website. Information about the project and "The diversity fair" will be published in the local media.
Target group - students of partner schools'; local society
- A5 - "The Internet and new technology - curse or blessing" - a workshop about the Internet and modern media. Each partner will carry out min. two meetings, workshops with specialists dealing with the risks associated with the use of the Internet and social media
The materials developed during these activities will be posted on the project website, schools and handed to those students group who do not directly participate in the workshop (to be discussed at a meeting with the class teacher)
Target group - all students of partner schools (both students directly participating in the workshop as well as students who will implement the material indirectly through meetings with class teachers)
- A6 - "ICT for you" - regular weekly computer classes, which allow the students to read and practice programs and educational tools available on the market of modern technology, which could be an excellent way of teaching different subjects.
The second project partners meeting will be attended by science and ICT teachers from each partner school (the exchange of the experience. offer. programs and tools availiable on the market to use them at school).
Information about these programs will be presented at the conference "Internet and new technologies". After the project completion these tools will be included in the regular some subject work schedule in the following school years.
Target group - the students and teachers of partner schools; teachers from other schools in the region
- A7 - "Good morning Europe" - radio broadcasts, presented by the school radio broadcasting, on the project website and Youtube; programs will present information based on positive thinking, perception of the world through the the "good" values; the program will be held once a month in English and the students native language
Target group - students of partner schools, people who use YouTube and other social media, we hope to receive comments and messages
-A8 - "Are you tolerant" - the lesson plans prepared by history, native language, art and music teachers that allow to see and accept the "diversity" in their environment; conducting classes; publishing the brochures - visual aids; their distribution in the region, local schools;
Target group - the students and teachers of partner schools; teachers of different subjects in the region
- A9 - Conference "The Internet and new technologies" - lectures, workshops, university staff, professionals invitation
Target group - the students, teachers, local schools, local authorities and society